Balancing THE WHEEL by Dr. Daniel D. Sadigh


Balancing THE WHEEL by Dr. Daniel D. Sadigh is helpful with insights on how to effectively manage all of the areas in your life. It’s a great tool to evaluate where you’re at and where you want to go.

Thought Is Cause

Thought is cause: experience is effect. If you don’t like the effect in your life, you have to change the nature of your thinking. ~ Marianne Williamson

The Vibrant Life Podcast


The Vibrant Life Podcast is all about creating your best life. We’ll dive into powerful ideas covering topics relating to personal development, spirituality, productivity, self-love, mindfulness, and more.

If You Have A Bad Thought

If you have a bad thought about yourself, tell it to go to hell because that is exactly where it came from. ~ Brigham Young

A Different Walk Today


I try my best to get outside and walk everyday. It makes a big difference in mind, body, and spirit. So yesterday when I saw some leaders of my church…