Please Be A Traveler


Please be a traveler, not a tourist. Try new things, meet new people, and look beyond what’s right in front of you. Those are the keys to understanding this amazing world we live in. ~ Andrew Zimmern

Having Traveled It


You know more of a road by having traveled it than by all the conjectures and descriptions in the world. ~ William Hazlitt

Mental Time Travel


Mental time travel helps create new possibilities by contemplating new things. Use it to make future plans, prepare yourself for frightening situations, & find the drive to build a life you want.



I’m delighted that your mind is different,

That you see shapes and colors your own way.

Because my mind’s not always coherent,

And deep feelings aren’t always the same.

The World’s Longest Road


The world’s longest road to walk is from Cape Town, South Africa to Magadan, Russia. It’s 22,387 km/13911 mi long. Along the way, you pass thru 17 countries, 6 time zones, & all seasons of the year.

The Only Way Out Is Through


It frequently gets untidy while cleaning before it becomes organized. It’s the same with clearing your mind. Be persistent and patient as you travel your own path. The only way out is through.

On The Horizon


Sometimes I can rest on the horizon, Between consciousness and sleep. I hover on the threshold and the choice is mine: To wake up and face the day, Or to sink…