Methuselah Tree


The world’s oldest living tree is a Bristlecone Pine named Methuselah. It’s located in California and is an estimated 4,852 years old.

Living Bridges


There is a tribe in India that has passed down for generations the art of manipulating tree roots to create a system of living bridges.

Ep 86. Growing In Two Directions


Today we’re drawing fascinating parallels between plant biology and personal development. Have you ever marveled at the resilience and beauty of trees? They stand tall, branches reaching towards the heavens, roots anchored firmly in the earth. But have you ever considered the incredible journey trees undergo to reach such majestic heights? Let’s explore how geotropism and phototropism offer insights into challenges and growth. It’s truly amazing how many lessons we can learn by observing nature and how the world works.

Ep 48. Dendrochronology


I’ve been thinking about trees and their rings and how this record of the life of a tree is literally written inside them. And the truth is human bodies keep a record too…the lives we live are written all over us.

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Ep 38. Take A Hike


Our topic is Take A Hike. I’m kind of a goofball and I love puns. So I’m not telling you to leave or to get outta here. Like Chris from Parks and Rec, I’m inviting you to spend some time outside.

Perpetual Kindness

Nothing can make our life, or the lives of other people more beautiful than perpetual kindness. ~ Leo Tolstoy