To tell if a hard-boiled egg is fully cooked, just spin it. If the egg wobbles it’s raw. If it spins easily it’s fully cooked.
The 5-Minute Rule
Make a deal with yourself to work on a dreaded task for at least 5 minutes & you’ll most likely end up doing it longer.
Naps 101
Naps 101
10-20 min boosts energy and increases alertness.
30 min leaves you lethargic and groggy.
60 min improves recall of details like facts, faces, and names.
90 min improves creativity and helps emotional/procedural memory.
If You’re Coughing Raise Your Hands
If you’re coughing uncontrollably, raise your hands above your head and it will stop.
The 2 Minute Rule
If you see something that needs doing and it can be completed within two minutes, do it immediately.
Chewing Gum Can Help You Read Faster
Chewing gum can help you read faster. It distracts your brain from outside stimuli by giving it something to focus on.
The Last Line Of Dust
Use a piece of tape to pick up the last line of dust that won’t go into the dust pan.
A Spoonful Of Peanut Butter
Eating a spoonful of peanut butter before bed helps burn calories while you sleep.
Save On Gas
Save Money. Fill up your gas tank late at night or early in the morning. Gasoline expands and contracts by 1% for every 15 degrees the temperature changes. Colder temps mean more gas.
Be Six Again
Six year olds laugh an average of 300 times a day. Adults only laugh 15-100 times a day. Be six again.