And each week it’s been amazing as I’ve thought about what I want to share and how to connect with you. I believe that we can be guided in things like that and I’ve felt Heaven close as I’ve prayed to know what messages to send out. This week, I feel a powerful prompting to talk about feeling invisible.
Be Six Again
Six year olds laugh an average of 300 times a day. Adults only laugh 15-100 times a day. Be six again.
Ep 22. The First Wealth Is Health
I personally know the value of good health and how much it affects us in all areas of our lives. So this week we’re diving into this truth: the first wealth is health.
4 Things You Can Do Today To Live Vibrant
Make today more vibrant with these four easy tips from The Vibrant Life podcast.
Ep 20. April Moody
Heartache, sadness or disappointment doesn’t have to cancel out happiness and joy and optimism… It doesn’t mean we’re faking it through life. If we’re being happy in heartache.
Bonus Episode: The ABCDE Model
Hey You! My name is Emily Romrell. Welcome to a bonus episode of The Vibrant Life Podcast. That’s right, Peeps. This week you get two for the price of one.…
Ep 19. Be Nostalgic
We’re taking a look at the past, specifically our mindset and emotions about the past. People don’t think of nostalgia as a good thing. But today, I’m making a case for why you should be nostalgic.
Ep 18. The Joy Of Service
As I was thinking about what I wanted to share with y’all this week, there couldn’t be a better topic than The Joy Of Service. This is perhaps the biggest lesson I’ve learned from my dad’s example.
Ep 17. Keep Up vs. Catch Up
For better or worse, puns & cheesy jokes play a major part in my personality. So using a ketchup bottle to promote the subject of Keep Up vs. Catch up is very ME. A ketchup bottle is an apt metaphor to kick things off for us today.