Teachings From My Christmas Tree


Let’s take a moment to focus on symbols. The powerful emblems that remind us of what’s important and ground us when things get tough. Symbols allow us to connect the physical with the metaphysical. They give us the ability to understand and relate to different ideas and experiences. I am a big fan of symbols.

I also love Christmas, which could be described as a season of symbols. We have the star that the wise men followed, Candy canes that represent the crooks of the shepherds. And one of the most recognizable symbols of all, the Christmas tree.

People have used evergreen boughs as symbols of eternal life for thousands of years. It goes all the way back to ancient Egypt. Celts, Vikings, and Romans all used evergreens for similar purposes. But as a christian the idea of eternal life and tying the idea to the Savior is especially poignant. Add the lights which represent Christ as The Light of the World and other ornaments, and you have something really special.

This year has been tough. Society has shifted and the world is very different now than it was a year ago. Individually we all are dealing with significant personal struggles. My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones, who have lost jobs, or who are hurting in any way. I’ve been so blessed, but I’m not going to lie. I’ve had a rough time dealing with loneliness, the negativity, and the unrest that has permeated the atmosphere over the last several months.

This Christmas, I really wanted my tree to have some extra significance. My theme is “Happiness is Homemade”. So other than lights, I decided to do only homemade decorations. It turned out pretty great, and it was so fun putting everything together.

One thing that I’ve learned (and am continuing to learn) is that you make your own joy. It comes from within. You can’t rely on others to make you happy. You can’t fill the void with things. It all depends on you, the thoughts you choose to think, and the actions you choose to take. If you have a hard time believing in yourself, this might be hard to swallow. But here’s the truth, it’s actually so empowering. We each have the power to choose joy at any moment, in any season of our lives.

I’m not saying we won’t struggle, or have pain, or endure heartbreaking experiences. That’s just life. But I believe with the right perspective there can be an underlying sense of joy even as we go through all of that. And for me, the knowledge that I have a Savior who knows exactly how I feel in those difficult moments, who provided the atonement that enables me to grow and learn and overcome, who loves me even when I make the same mistakes over and over again; that is the biggest reason of all to have hope and joy.

I’m so grateful for Christmas, for this season of symbols that remind us what life is really about. I’m thankful for a baby who was born in a manger so long ago. My heart is tender as I think about what the Savior went through for me. I know that he knows and loves each of us in a deeply personal way.

This year more than ever before, may we all remember the true meaning of Christmas. Let it bring a greater measure of peace on earth and good will to men.

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