4 Things You Can Do Today To Live Vibrant


For more, check out The Vibrant Life Podcast with Emily Romrell

Hey You! Sometimes we all could use a little extra boost to get us through the day. These four tips are sure to help. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that the little things are really what matter most, so these are simple easy steps you can take to make today more vibrant. Live The Vibrant Life!

1 ~ In A World Counting Money, Pounds, Calories, & Steps…Change The Game & Count Your Blessings Instead.

It’s easy to get distracted by what society says we are supposed to look like, be like, or possess. But this is a trap to misery. Make your day more vibrant by taking just five minutes to focus on everything that is going well in your life. An attitude of gratitude works wonders and there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for.

2 ~ Make Your Bed

If you don’t get any other housework done today, making your bed is a must. Try for first thing in the morning but even if it’s 10 pm, make it. This will give a sense of accomplishment and it’s a reminder that the small things really do matter. At night you will climb into a clean comfortable bed to give you a head start on tomorrow.

3 ~ LAUGH! Learn Some New Jokes & Try Them On Your Friends OR Find A New Friend & Share A Favorite Joke.

There is really nothing better than a good old belly laugh to make your day more vibrant. Whether it’s a great joke or a funny movie, make some time to laugh!

**This joke may be slightly inappropriate but it is my all-time favorite!**

Q: Why are our bum cracks vertical instead of horizontal?

A: So that when you go down a slide, you don’t go frphhphphphhphph!

4 ~ Go For A Stroll

Seriously, going for a walk makes any day more vibrant. You get a bit of blood pumping. You breathe the fresh air. You feel the weather on your face whether it’s sun, wind, or rain, and it wakes up your soul to the wild wonder of the world. It doesn’t have to be strenuous or long. But spend some time outside walking. I have never regretted going for a stroll.

I hope you found these thoughts useful and I hope you have a fabulous and vibrant day!


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