A Love Letter To Myself



I see you.

You don’t believe me, but I do.  It’s been tricky, discovering who you are. And there is much more to learn, but that’s where joy and adventure live, in discovery. Remember that.

I see your warm brown eyes encircled with those thin bands of a richer burnt umber reflected in the mirror each morning. And I see the stuff behind the eyes: the glint of humor always ready to surface into a smile, (the smirky dimple in your smile) the pain, the loneliness, the love.

You’ve been waiting for someone special to take notice. That may happen, maybe not. I hope so. But it’s outside our control. But, you can’t hide from yourself. I see you. I’m sorry it’s taking me so long to love you like you deserve. I’m still learning and I promise to do better.

And I’m glad. Because all of these pieces of you, the light in your eyes, the quirky smile, the earnestness, the love of learning, the triumphs, and the downfalls, they all radiate within a soul that was made to love and loves naturally, mistakes and imperfections included. It’s been a long road to realize the truth, but even now you’re moving forward on the path of self-love and that makes me proud.

It’s okay to acknowledge heartache when it demands to be felt. Life is providing different experiences than you expected. And unmet hopes hurt. But life also holds gifts that you never dreamed of.

All kinds of love stories belong to you. Every relationship is a love story at its center. And truly I believe a beautiful romance and the love of a good man waits in your future. Timing is everything. Just don’t forget that this relationship is the longest and strongest you’ll ever have. Falling in love with yourself is true love at its finest. I’ve always been here for you and I always will be.

You’re beautiful. I believe in you. I love you.


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