A Spike of Green When I went outThe sun was hotIt shone uponMy flower pot. And there I sawA spike of greenThat no one elseHad ever seen! On other daysThe…
I’m delighted that your mind is different,
That you see shapes and colors your own way.
Because my mind’s not always coherent,
And deep feelings aren’t always the same.
The Oak Tree
At my childhood church, an oak tree stands, With branches extended toward heaven. At a hundred years old at least I’d guess, What secrets it must hold in its resin.
Plenty by Emily Romrell
Plenty is abundance in life,
Personal growth underway,
Happiness that no knife,
Can cut or strip away.
If you look it’s waiting for you,
Every single day.
She’s Gone
Tonight I woke from a bad dream, And it took several moments for reality To fill back through me the way you feel cold water going down on a hot day.
On Bed Days
When all your plans go up in smoke, The pain’s too much and it’s almost a joke, You try to sleep but dreams are invaded, By twinges, pangs, aches, and dedicated…
All flowers are happy in their way,
But dear Helianthus you win the day.
Every aspect of your nature is sunny.
Even your face tracks its eponym across the sky.
I Will Endure
We all have our heartaches, our burdens to bear.
The older I grow the more I care.
Empathy has a bittersweet twinge.
I know part of your pain because I’ve been singed.
Along The Road by Robert Browning Hamilton
I walked a mile with Pleasure; She chatted all the way; But left me none the wiser For all she had to say.
My Eulogy
I think Tom Sawyer had it right. It’s a gift to hear and see what others think Before you adventure past the brink Before you leave this world behind What legacy is left in others’ minds?