Ep 45. Reflections…2021


This episode is about personal reflections. I’ll be pondering on lessons I’ve learned in 2021, the impressions that left their mark on my mind, my heart, and how I’ll use them to pave the way forward.

Ep 44. Christmas Gifts


Estimated Reading Time 7 Minutes Hey You! Welcome to The Vibrant Life Podcast. I’m Emily Romrell and it’s Christmas Eve! I hope you’re spending time with people you love and…

Ep 43. Less Than 100%


Today we’re talking about giving less than 100%. This is an idea that people have a hard time with but if you embrace it, it can make a big difference in your life.

Ep 42. A Bag Of Cookies


I think we can cover a couple of key concepts that will make your life a lot more vibrant. And today we are talking about cookies which makes things even better.

Ep 41. The Wonder of “Eve”


It’s been on my mind for the last week or so and it’s just one of those concepts that kind of grabbed hold of me and caused me to ponder more deeply. I want to talk about The Wonder of “Eve”.

Ep 40. Diane Romrell


An interview with my mom, Diane Romrell. I’ve thought about when would be the best time and I can’t think of a better time or theme than the day after Thanksgiving and talking about gratitude.

Ep 38. Take A Hike


Our topic is Take A Hike. I’m kind of a goofball and I love puns. So I’m not telling you to leave or to get outta here. Like Chris from Parks and Rec, I’m inviting you to spend some time outside.

Ep 37. The Magic In Music


Whether we’re babies falling asleep to the sound of lullabies, or young children learning the ABCs, or teenagers diving into the music of our generation, music is foundational to who we all are.