Ep 94. Everyday Acts Of Love


Estimated Reading Time 9 Minutes

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Hey, you! Happy Friday! This is The Vibrant Life Podcast! I’m Emily Romrell, and I’m so glad you’re here, my friends for another vibrant and flavorful episode. If you’re new here, you’ve arrived right in the middle of our my series called The Lasagna of Love Ability. We’re layering love, relationships, and personal growth like a master chef—so by the end of this, you’ll be a pro in the kitchen of life, ready to serve up love in all its forms!

I’ve been especially excited about this episode because finding joy in everyday moments is totally my jam. There’s something special about the little things that brighten our lives—a compliment on quirky socks, letting someone ahead of you in line, or leaving a doodle on a loved one’s steering wheel. These small acts put the extra in ordinary days for extraordinary and vibrant lives.

Even on the hardest days, there’s always something to find joy in if we look for it. Whether it’s a shared smile, a kind word, or the beauty of a sunset, moments of love and connection are always there, waiting to lift us up.

Last time, we tackled Loving Those Who Challenge Us—those tricky relationships that add richness to our lives. Today, we’re diving into Everyday Acts of Love, those small, often overlooked gestures that create warmth and connection in our daily lives. It’s in these simple moments where the real magic happens.

And hey, if you’re loving the podcast (or even if you’re just mildly entertained by my food metaphors), make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on all the fun. Drop a comment too—I want to hear about the small acts of love that have spiced up your life recently. Seriously, hearing from listeners always makes my day. Share the podcast with your friends, your family, your Instagram followers—let’s keep the love and inspiration going.

Now, let’s get into it. We often think love has to be this big, dramatic, grand-gesture kind of thing, like in the movies. But honestly? It’s the small, consistent acts of kindness that make the biggest impact. These little moments of love are like the everyday spices that create a rich and flavorful life. C.S. Lewis hit the nail on the head when he said, “Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance.” This applies perfectly to love—small, daily choices to show kindness, compassion, and understanding build up over time into something truly extraordinary. In the end, these tiny moments are the foundation of deep, meaningful relationships.

The scriptures remind us over and over again that the Lord sees and values these small efforts. They may feel insignificant, but they have the power to work miracles. One of my favorite scriptures is in the Doctrine and Covenants: Be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. (D&C 64:33). I love this verse, and the phrase “be not weary in well-doing” has become one of my personal mottos. This verse reminds me that even when we’re exhausted and feel like our efforts don’t matter, those little acts of kindness are building something far greater than we can see. And don’t forget, the person you’re showing up for can—and should—include you!

Dr. John Gottman, one of the world’s leading relationship experts, found that the key to long-lasting relationships isn’t grand gestures, but what he calls the “small things often.” It’s those everyday interactions—like asking your partner about their day or offering a hug—that strengthen bonds over time. These small “bids for connection” create emotional intimacy and help relationships thrive. Ignoring these bids, however, can lead to distance and disconnection. In short, if you want your relationship to succeed, pay attention to the little things.

Similarly, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a great analogy in his talk A Matter of a Few Degrees. He shared how small course corrections on an airplane, though seemingly insignificant, can prevent it from veering far off course over time. This is exactly what small, daily acts of love do—they keep our relationships on the right path toward connection, joy, and love. Every day acts of love keep us on track.

And I’m just saying, that sending a podcast recommendation is totally a modern-day act of love—right up there with texting a meme! Take that for what it’s worth.

Speaking of sharing, I recently reread A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman. It’s a heartwarming story about Ove, a curmudgeonly widower who is set in his solitary, rigid ways. His life begins to change when his new neighbors reach out through small acts of kindness—helping with groceries, asking for assistance with simple tasks, and inviting him to be part of their lives. These small gestures of love, along with Ove’s own decision to start helping others again, awaken a sense of purpose in him. Being needed makes all the difference, and Ove slowly transforms from a grumpy recluse into someone deeply connected to his community. This book is a reminder of how powerful small, everyday actions can be in changing someone’s heart. It’s a fantastic book and you should check it out. I’ll put a link in the show notes.

But the ultimate example of everyday acts of love comes from Jesus Christ. One of the most powerful moments in His ministry was when He knelt to wash His disciples’ feet. Think about it: The King of Kings, who could heal the sick and raise the dead, chose to perform a humble act of service. Jesus showed that true love isn’t about recognition or status, but about serving others in simple, meaningful ways. His life was filled with these everyday miracles of love and connection. That’s where we find true meaning, my friends. I think it’s powerful that this is the example he asked his disciples to follow just before he performed his most extraordinary act of love, The Atonement, where he paid the price for all of our mistakes, all of our hurts, and even experienced all of our joys. And after that, Jesus died for all of us.

You never know how far a small act of love will ripple. One of my favorite quotes by President Thomas S. Monson says, “Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.” Isn’t that just the perfect reminder that people, not tasks, should always be our priority?

I feel so lucky to have friends and family who show everyday acts of love in meaningful ways. Life’s stress and health challenges can pile up, but small acts of kindness make a huge difference. My 6th grade teacher, Mr. Hunt, always said, “Life’s hard, then you die.” He was fabulous. But while that is true, life is also really good.

Here are just a few of the everday acts of love I have been the recipient of over the last month or so: A friend dropped off a bag of freshly picked apples with a hug, another friend took me on a drive up the canyon where we just talked and enjoyed the time together, My mom spoiled me with a fun new outfit, A good friend sent me a “just checking on you” text which meant so much, and a simple text from another friend included a quote I really needed that day from David P. Homer: “When we find it difficult to understand or embrace God’s will, it is comforting to remember that He loves us as we are, wherever we are. And He has something better for us. If we reach out to Him, He will assist us.”

Isn’t that a great quote from this last General Conference? And part of the assistance Heavenly Father gives us is in just these simple yet profound acts of love. Trust me, they truly matter. If any of my beautiful friends are listening to this, thank you! I love you!

So to get us all going, here are 20 Ideas for Sharing Small Acts of Love:

1. Grocery Goodies: Pick up a treat for a friend or neighbor while you’re out shopping. A favorite snack or a small flower can go a long way in brightening someone’s day.

2. Handwritten Notes: Write a heartfelt note and leave it in an unexpected place for a loved one to find. It could be in their lunch, on their desk, or even tucked into a book they’re reading.

3. Digital Love: Use social media to uplift others. Share a positive story or highlight the achievements of friends, encouraging them and spreading good vibes.

4. Skill Sharing: Offer to share a skill or hobby with someone. Whether it’s cooking, knitting, or playing an instrument, sharing your passion can create meaningful connections. This uplifts you as well.

5. Create a Love Playlist: Curate a playlist of songs that inspire love and positivity. Share it with friends or family as a thoughtful gift.

6. Book Recommendation: Share a book that touched your heart with someone who could use a good read. Include a note explaining why you loved it.

7. Acts of Forgiveness: Reflect on any grudges you may be holding and take a step towards forgiveness. Whether it’s a simple acknowledgment or a heartfelt conversation, letting go can be a powerful act of love.

8. Cooking for Others: Prepare a meal for a neighbor or friend. Cooking for someone is a wonderful way to show you care and provide support.

9. Embrace Imperfection: Accept your own imperfections and share your journey with others. This vulnerability can foster deeper connections and encourage others to embrace their own journeys.

10. Nature Walks: Invite a friend for a walk in nature. Sharing the beauty of the outdoors can lead to meaningful conversations and connections. Or get out for a walk with yourself. It does wonders.

11. Surprise Video Call: Organize a surprise video call with friends or family members. Catching up unexpectedly will brighten everyone’s day.

12. Dance Breaks: Initiate spontaneous dance breaks with your family or coworkers. A few minutes of fun and laughter can create joy and relieve stress.

13. Learning Together: Sign up for a class or workshop with a friend. Whether it’s painting, dancing, or cooking, learning something new can deepen your bond.

14. Host a Game Night: Organize a game night with friends or family, complete with snacks and laughter. It’s a fun way to connect and unwind together.

15. Neighborhood Clean-Up: Gather friends for a neighborhood clean-up day. It’s a great way to beautify your community while bonding over a shared cause.

16. Photo Challenge: Start a photo challenge with friends where you share a daily photo that reminds you of them, of a memory you had together, or represents joy or gratitude. It’s a fun way to connect and inspire each other.

17. Mystery Kindness: Leave a small gift or treat in a neighbor’s mailbox without revealing who it’s from. The surprise will spread joy and curiosity!

18. Plant a Garden: Plant a flower or herb garden with friends or family. Tending to the plants together can be a great bonding activity that also beautifies your space.

19. Compliment a Stranger: Give a genuine compliment to someone you encounter in your daily life, whether it’s the checkout person at the store, a coworker, or a stranger on the street. It will brighten their day and yours!

20. Write a Poem: This is right up my alley but even if you don’t think you’re a poet it’s a fun new thing to try. You might surprise yourself. Compose a short, heartfelt poem for someone you love. It’s a unique and personal way to express your feelings.

Dr. Gary Chapman, in The Five Love Languages, highlights a common mistake: we often express love in the way we want to receive it, not necessarily in the way others do. The key to deepening relationships is understanding how the other person feels loved. Some people light up from a heartfelt compliment, while others feel most appreciated when you lend a hand or spend quality time with them. By tuning in to the love language that resonates most with someone else, we can foster stronger, more meaningful connections. True love is about meeting people where they are, not where we think they should be.

So, what’s the takeaway today? Love isn’t about waiting for the perfect moment; it’s found in the everyday acts that season our lives like spices and herbs in a delicious lasagna, The Lasagna of Love Ability. These small gestures elevate our relationships and create a deeper connection. As the legendary Mr. Rogers said, “The first way to success is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” Love is everywhere, and the more we give it away, the richer and more flavorful our lives become. The more we live a truly vibrant life.

Next week, buckle up for part 5 of our series: Forgiveness and Grace. After that, we’ll wrap things up with Loving God. Until then, keep those everyday acts of love coming, and remember: You are loved, and your life matters! Live The Vibrant Life!

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