Publisher: Deseret Book Company (first published 1915)
Paperback : 747 pages
ISBN: 978-0875793269
Thoughts: This is a very deep book and it is sometimes difficult to follow due to its scholarly format. However, it is truly one of the best books I have ever read. You come away with a more personal knowledge of the Savior. This book discusses the surroundings Jesus was in when he taught specific lessons, what his personal relationships were like, and how his message was received by those he preached to. This is the book for anyone looking for insight on who Jesus Christ is and what his life was really like.
First sentence: It is a matter of history that, at or near the beginning of what has since come to be known as the Christian era, the Man Jesus, surnamed the Christ, was born in Bethlehem of Judea.
Favorite Quote From the Book: The spirit of his demands was that of a practical religion, the only religion of any possible worth – the religion of right living.
Summary from Amazon.com:
Considered one of the all-time great classics of LDS literature, Jesus the Christ is a comprehensive look into the life and ministry of the Savior. Written at the request of the First Presidency by the Apostle James E. Talmage, and penned from an office inside the Salt Lake Temple, this volume is more than a simple outline of the Savior’s life. It presents a far-reaching view of the Savior-including His life in the flesh, His antemortal existence, and His activities across time as the world’s Redeemer. Allow this unparalleled work to enhance your knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as it magnifies your understanding of the scriptures.