Make Every Man Want You By Marie Forleo


Rating: 4 out of 5.
Make Every Man Want You By Marie Forleo

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 1st edition (April 25, 2008)

Paperback : 192 pages

ISBN: 978-0071597814

Thoughts: I like Marie Forelo so much I reviewed two of her books two weeks in a row. I love her positivity and wisdom. In Make Every Man Want You, she teaches us that desirability is all about you and your mindset vs what a potential partner wants. This is actually a great read just to build self-confidence in your life as a whole but it does offer a great perspective on how to attract a romantic relationship. It’s easy to read and practical yet full of Marie’s spunky and quirky personality.

First sentence: Have you ever had the feeling that you were meant for great things?

Favorite Quote From the Book: This is relationship’s real purpose: to serve the mutual growth and soulful expression of each individual. It’s a chance to share your enthusiasm for being alive and give of yourself to another. Relationships provide the opportunity to shed light on any area within you that remains cloaked in fear and uncertainty, to hold a vision of another’s greatness so that he may step into the magnificence his soul is yearning to express. In this way, relationship becomes the ultimate tool for personal discovery and spiritual growth.

Summary from

Make Every Man Want You gives every woman the tools she needs to unlock her inner magnet.”
Kelly Ripa

Let’s make one thing clear: this book is like no other dating book you’ve read. There are no rules, no list of things to do to land a husband in thirty days, and no reason to blame yourself if “he’s just not that into you.” Please. Throw those books away.

Instead, let’s focus on you–and how you can make yourself more appealing to others in almost every situation–whether you have a man or not. Think of it as a crash course in desirability, a life-changing lesson in loving yourself inside and out. Once you embrace your unique qualities and dissolve your bad relationship habits, you’ll be amazed to find how irresistible you are to others! This girl-friendly guide reveals:

  • Five Truths Every Irresistible Woman Needs to Know: Live in the momentMen do not want to be changed or improved
  • Seven Habits of Highly Unattractive Women: Boring in bedBeing needy
  • Eight Secrets of Attracting the Right Man for You: Get rid of your “perfect man” checklistHave your own life

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