“Accepting who you truly are is one of the bravest things a person can do.”
~ Alexandria Rogers, The Witch, The Sword, And The Cursed Knights
Live The Vibrant Life
“Accepting who you truly are is one of the bravest things a person can do.”
~ Alexandria Rogers, The Witch, The Sword, And The Cursed Knights
Learning should be a joy and full of excitement. It is life’s greatest adventure; it is an illustrated excursion into the minds of the noble and the learned. ~ Taylor Caldwell
Picture this: You’re driving through a scenic canyon, the sun kissing your face, and the wind weaving through your fingers outside of your open window. It’s a moment of joy that reminds us of the beauty in little pleasures. This is the feeling I want to capture today, the simple fun in everyday living that makes life worth living.
In life, we’re constantly faced with our high jump moments. Sometimes, we see them coming, eagerly anticipating the challenge. Other times, they catch us off guard, leaving us scrambling to rise to the occasion. But regardless of when they appear, know this: you have everything you need to conquer them. With each small step forward, you inch closer to greatness. While the path may seem daunting, rewards beyond measure await you on the other side. Take that leap of faith, and marvel as you ascend to heights once deemed unattainable. Remember, even the smallest improvements each day lead to astonishing results.
The light from a kindred spirit can’t heal the brokenness, but it pours into the weakened soul the strength to stand again.
― J.A. Andrews, Dragon’s Reach
We’ll fall many times but in the end, we’ll surprise ourselves with what we’ve accomplished. The way is open & endless with possibilities. It’s up to us to get back in the saddle & seize them.
Where your fear is, there your task is. ~ Carl Jung
The Bone Witch is the captivating start to a new, darkly lyrical fantasy series, Tea can raise the dead, but resurrection comes at a price.
If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on. ~ Sheryl Sandberg
I think Tom Sawyer had it right. It’s a gift to hear and see what others think Before you adventure past the brink Before you leave this world behind What legacy is left in others’ minds?