Feelings penetrating deep
Have caused my hand to grasp
A pen that I might convey
The impact you all have.
Ep 23. When You Feel Invisible
And each week it’s been amazing as I’ve thought about what I want to share and how to connect with you. I believe that we can be guided in things like that and I’ve felt Heaven close as I’ve prayed to know what messages to send out. This week, I feel a powerful prompting to talk about feeling invisible.
Ep 19. Be Nostalgic
We’re taking a look at the past, specifically our mindset and emotions about the past. People don’t think of nostalgia as a good thing. But today, I’m making a case for why you should be nostalgic.
Ep 13. Never Suppress A Generous Thought
Today, we’re covering a principle that has truly changed my life. It’s something that I’ve strived to practice in my day to day for a long time now, and that is Never Suppress A Generous Thought.
Ep 10. Kimberly Romrell
Celebrate the 10th episode of The Vibrant Life Podcast as I interview my sister, Kimberly Romrell. We discuss life as single women, connecting with other people, the joy of service, and more.
Ep 9. Creativity
Have you ever heard the expression that someone (maybe even you) is not the brightest crayon in the box? If you are thinking that you’re a dull crayon than this episode is for you.
What It’s Like To Float In A Sensory Deprivation Tank
There are lots of benefits to flotation therapy. But it’s also fun to try something new. Give it a try and I doubt you’ll be disappointed. It can be a big help to Live The Vibrant Life!
Ep 5. Choose Your Hard
“Emily,” she said. “Life is hard. You just have to decide which hard you’re willing to live with. It’s hard being over-weight and not being able to be active and do things you want to do. It’s hard to change and live a healthier lifestyle and give up some of the habits that brought you here. It’s hard to stay home in bed feeling anxious and depressed. It’s hard to make yourself get outside and walk and interact with the world. You just have to choose your hard.”
Their Story…
As we consider the pressing calls of those who need our help, let’s ask ourselves: what if their story were my story? ~ Linda K. Burton