A Scenic Walk


A great way to connect and have a deep conversation is to take someone on a scenic walk. It takes the pressure off and natural surroundings put your mind at ease.

Ep 38. Take A Hike


Our topic is Take A Hike. I’m kind of a goofball and I love puns. So I’m not telling you to leave or to get outta here. Like Chris from Parks and Rec, I’m inviting you to spend some time outside.

The World On My Wall


The World on my wall is a majestic escape when I’m lying in bed on difficult days.

A natural scene full of wonder and charm to calm my heart in the midst of the storm.

Who Looks Inside, Awakes

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside; dreams. Who looks inside; awakens. ~ Carl Jung

The Inside Manifests

Whatever you believe about yourself on the inside is what you will manifest on the outside.

Get The Inside Right

If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. ~ Eckhart Tolle