Get Ready Playlist


To make sure you leave the house on time in the morning, create a playlist exactly as long as it takes to get ready. When the last song plays you’ll be ready to take on the day with enthusiasm.

Turn The Container Upside Down


Cottage Cheese & Sour Cream etc. will last twice as long if you turn the container upside down. This forms a vacuum & prevents bacteria growth.

Don’t Have Eggs?


Don’t have eggs? 1 TBSP of corn starch mixed with 3 TBSP of water can be substituted for 1 egg in baking.



Thirsty? Every restaurant in the US is required to give you free tap water. Just ask!

You’re Human


It’s normal to:

Be sad from time to time for no reason.

Not have everything together.

Feel unsure, confused, or not know.

Feel ugly some days and cute other days.

Have been unprepared for how things turned out.

Have tough days.

Not always be happy.

Fluctuate in Weight.

Be more productive on some days and less on others.

Eye Patches


To get night vision, keep one eye closed in a well-lit area and then open it in darkness; that eye will be able to see in the dark. This is why pirates wore eye patches.

12 Tips To Take Nothing Personally


1. Pause before reacting to gather your thoughts.

2. Remember actions often reflect others’ issues, not yours.

3. Differentiate between facts and assumptions.

A Passive Witness


If you struggle with meditation, imagine there’s someone sitting next to you. When thoughts arise, imagine they’re coming from that other person and you just happen to hear them as a passive witness.