The Face in the Mirror


It was pretty unclear, that face in the mirror, no matter how the glass sparkled. 

The image outside might be easily defined, but inside murky depths cast a haze. 

So because of the fear, I avoided the mirror. I saw nothing to reflect at or marvel. 

Beauty it seemed, was just not for me. In my portrait I saw nothing worth praise. 

Yet in my despair, I offered a prayer. Hope still hung by a thread. 

If I cleaned up within, I might just begin… to find the person I’d lost. 

I’d ignore the haters and move past the layers of self-doubt, illusion, and dread.

Till somehow I’d find, a clear state of mind; new perspective to abolish the frost. 

But where to turn? How would I learn? I couldn’t see the forest for the trees.

Only someone enchanted, both kind and yet candid could guide me through the work. 

It was forbidding and took some digging. But gradually and in small degrees…

I found myself climbing, it was really surprising; a view without all the murk. 

Now the girl in the mirror, still has some fear. But mostly she likes her reflection. 

With a lot of grace, she’s finding her place. The demons have lost the war. 

Because her insides are more stable and wise. Her guide gave discerning direction. 

And it’s still uphill, but she has the will to unfold her wings and soar. 

4 thoughts on “The Face in the Mirror

  1. Emily, This is really thought provoking. I’m sure many if not all of us feel this way from time to time and you have given a positive to those feelings when many would write the deep dark side. Love it.

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