The Light-hearted Lilly


I sat once in a garden swing enjoying a sunshiny day,

When on the breeze I heard the talk of flower sprites underway.

“Come and sing a song with me,” said the Lily to the Rose with sport.

“I’m much too dignified for all of that,” was the red flower’s stuffy retort.

So to the Daisy the Lily asked, “Won’t you join in my fun?”

But the little bud was busy, soaking up the sun.

She continued with effort to find a friend, but with no luck it came

That the Lighthearted Lily decided on her own to play a game.

She sang a song pure, simple, and sweet with a voice born in the dew;

It made me forget the troubles of life bringing joy and spirit renewed.

I too began to sing with the lily on the wind

The song that all the lilies sing of how to be a friend.

And one by one the song was joined by other garden dwellers;

Such a chorus I’ve never heard like that of all the flowers.

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