To All The Women Then and Now…


To all the women then and now,

To those I’ve yet to greet,

To ladies who are young at heart,

To old souls with young feet,

Feelings penetrating deep

Have caused my hand to grasp

A pen that I might somehow convey

The impact you all have.

The night is full of shadows,

And in the midst of the darkest days,

When forces threaten to quench my fire, 

Your inner glow protects the flame. 

I thrill at the sound of shared laughter,

Your smiles bring my own to my face,

And nothing warms the soul quite like

A good woman’s friendly embrace. 

So thank you, thank you sweet women,

For showing me the way,

For memories made, for lessons learned,

For taking time to play. 

I’ve known so many of you,

Individually each of you shine,

In this life work of becoming 

I’m blessed so many friendships are mine. 

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