What It’s Like To Float In A Sensory Deprivation Tank


Checkout TrueRest Float Spa in Provo for an exceptional experience.
Check out TrueRest Float Spa in Provo for an exceptional experience.

Hey Peeps! I want to share some insights with you on meditation and float therapy. Today I had my third experience in a float tank or a sensory deprivation tank, and I’m hooked.

In this busy modern world, we don’t give our bodies and minds the time and care needed for optimal operation. I truly believe this is the main cause of sickness and mental health problems so prevalent in society. Meditation and float therapy can help.

A float tank, sensory deprivation tank, or isolation tank provides an environment where you can forget outside sources of information and focus on what’s happening internally.

The water is heated to skin temperature and saturated with Epsom salt. So you really don’t feel much of anything besides the floating sensation. You’re deprived of all outside stimulation: sound, sight, and gravity when the tank is closed. As you float weightlessly in the silence and darkness, the brain is encouraged to relax into a deeply restful state. This allows your brain to move into alpha and theta brain waves rather than beta waves. (I’ve included a great video explaining brave waves at the end of this post).

There’s a lot of science behind it, but I want to review my personal experience with you. Hopefully, you’ll be encouraged to try it out yourself.

The spa owner, Chris, is kind and attentive. He makes it a point to connect with his clients and I appreciate that. Chris greeted me for my appointment and brought me back to the pod room to make sure everything was hunky-dory. Then I was left to do my thing.

It usually takes a few minutes to settle in, but the relief on your body is immediate. Think about the joy of floating in a swimming pool and multiple that by about a hundred. I chose to go with no music and complete darkness because I wanted to focus on inner mindfulness, but there are several light and music options available. It’s a very safe environment so you shouldn’t worry about feeling out of control or fearful.

I work on breathing deeply and letting my thoughts drift randomly. In the beginning, I think about the daily things I have to do: chores I need to cross off my list, finances, work, etc. But I work on focusing on my breathing and trying to feel gratitude. I’m grateful I have the opportunity to experience this today. I’m grateful for my health. I’m grateful for spring and the beauty of the world.

Then in my mind, I start visualizing all of the people that have made a difference in my life. I start with my family and one by one I bring them into focus. My parents and siblings, my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I think about teachers and counselors both in school and just in life. I think about my church leaders and friendships. I think about people that I don’t really know but that have impacted me with their lives: authors, podcasters, actors, and thought leaders around the world. I easily visualized over a hundred people. And each time a new face came up, love for that person flooded through me. I am overwhelmed by the people who have impacted my life in so many different ways. The experience truly moved me.

Time resists existence and it simultaneously feels like I just got in the water and that I’ve been there forever. But the lights come on and music starts playing. Reality is waiting. Except that the gratitude and love I felt in the pod today were as real as anything I’ve known. I shower again to rinse off the salt and get dressed.

I was told that if you get relaxed enough, a one-hour float compares to four hours of good sleep. I believe it. I have struggled with insomnia for a long time and I am thankful to feel some real rest. It feels great. After your float, the spa offers an oxygen bar and space to just reflect and get back into the swing of things. They even have free herbal tea. It’s awesome. I’m excited about what I’m learning about myself in these float sessions and as I work on myself internally.

There are lots of benefits to flotation therapy. But it’s also fun to try something new. Give it a try and I doubt you’ll be disappointed. It can be a big help to Live The Vibrant Life!


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