Loving Those Who Bring Joy


Estimated Reading Time 8 Minutes

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Hey you! Welcome back to The Vibrant Life Podcast! I’m Emily Romrell, and I’m thrilled that you’re joining me for another scrumptious episode. If you’ve been following along, you know I’m in the middle of a terrific series called The Lasagna of Love Ability. Last time, we laid down the foundational layer of our lasagna—the long pasta noodle of self-love that holds everything together. And today, friends, we’re diving into the heart of it all—the fun, meaty, cheesy middle: loving those who bring joy into our lives. Can you taste it?

As we continue this series, here’s what’s cooking in the upcoming weeks:

  1. Loving Those Who Challenge Us
  2. Everyday Acts of Love
  3. Forgiveness and Grace
  4. Loving God

There are six episodes in total, and each layer builds upon the last, creating a delicious Lasagna of Love Ability that enriches our relationships, our happiness, and our overall well-being. So, let’s savor each layer of this journey together and discover how love ability makes life vibrant!

Now, I don’t know about you, but just thinking about cheese instantly makes me smile. And if you’re a fellow meat lover, like me, we’re speaking the same language! So let’s picture that middle layer of lasagna—it’s comforting, it’s rich, it’s the part that satisfies your soul. That’s what this episode is all about: the people who fill us up, who make life so much better just by being in it. These are the people who leave you wondering if they’re angels in disguise. And yet, even though it’s easy to love them, how often do we stop to intentionally love them back? That’s what it’s all about today.

Before we get into it, a quick reminder—if you love The Vibrant Life Podcast, hit that subscribe button and share the love with your friends! I couldn’t do this without your support, and it means the world to me when you leave comments, reviews, or simply send positive vibes my way.

Let’s talk about joy-bringers. You know the ones I’m talking about—the people who make you feel lighter, more alive, and who seem to radiate positivity. They’re the ones who send a random text that makes your day, who offer a listening ear when you’re feeling down, or who know how to make you laugh until your stomach hurts. These people remind us that life is meant to be shared with those we love.

Okay, bear with me here, but I want to get nerdy for a second. (This is a podcast, so it’s mandatory, right?) There’s some cool science behind why surrounding ourselves with positive, joyful people and loving them back is so powerful. It’s called mirror neurons. When you’re around someone who’s happy, your brain physically starts to mimic the happiness you see. It’s part of the reason why you can’t help but smile when someone else is smiling—while I believe there is also a spiritual connection, it’s biological. It’s built into us that we can spread happiness.

Dr. Daniel Goleman (the guy who wrote the book on Emotional Intelligence) explains that our brains are wired for connection. He explains, “Our emotions are contagious, for better or worse. It’s why you can feel so lifted when someone close to you is having a great day—and also why you feel drained when they’re in a bad mood.”

So when we’re intentional about surrounding ourselves with those joy-bringers and showing them love, we’re creating a sort of feedback loop of positivity. And the best part? It’s good for our brains, too! Win-win!

Now, I know you might be thinking, “Of course I love them back!” But hold up. Let’s dig a little deeper than just sharing Netflix passwords—let’s talk about intentional love. How are we making sure our friends feel seen, valued, and appreciated?

Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, offers some insights on this. She emphasizes the importance of daily habits in maintaining relationships, saying, “What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.” This quote resonates because it reminds us that love and appreciation don’t have to be flashy or occasional—what truly strengthens relationships are the consistent, small actions that build trust and closeness over time.

Loving the joy-bringers in our lives isn’t about grand gestures. Sure, a surprise trip to Paris might win some major points, but it’s the little things—consistent check-ins, random acts of kindness, and thoughtful moments—that truly matter. Rubin reminds us that it’s these everyday efforts that strengthen relationships over time and make our loved ones feel genuinely seen and appreciated.

In her book, Rubin also said, “I finally grasped that if I want to feel the way I want to feel, I need to build my life around the activities that make me feel that way, not around the activities that someone else thinks should make me feel that way.” This is a powerful insight when we apply it to how we show up for others. Let’s come at this from their point of view.

But how exactly do we do that? How do we make sure the people who bring sunshine into our lives feel the warmth of intentional love? Let’s dive into some actionable ideas to help us show up for them in meaningful ways.

Gratitude: One of the simplest yet most powerful ways to love the joy-bringers in your life (and sidenote to find more joy-bringers) is simply expressing gratitude. Don’t assume people know how much they mean to you—tell them! It could be a heartfelt text, a handwritten note, or a quick hug where you tell them in person. Let others know that you see their light and that you are grateful for them.

Be Present: Often, the best way to love someone is just by being fully present with them. This is the truth: attention equals love. You can share a meal, go on a walk, or just hang out and have a deep conversation. It’s important to make time for the people who show up for you. Life gets busy, but even a small amount of quality time means the world.

Celebrate Their Wins: Be a cheerleader! Celebrate your friends’ successes, big and small. Whether it’s landing a new job, finishing a personal project, or simply getting through a tough week, acknowledging these victories is vital.

I like the movie Legally Blonde, where Elle Woods, played by Reese Witherspoon, constantly uplifts her friends, celebrating their achievements along the way. Elle’s unwavering support not only boosts their confidence but also creates a network of encouragement that benefits everyone involved.

Imagine throwing a mini celebration for a friend who just aced an exam or sending a small gift to someone who’s achieved a personal goal. Even a heartfelt compliment can make someone feel like a superstar.

So let’s be each other’s biggest fans! Let’s create a community where every victory is celebrated!

Acts of Random Kindness: One of the simplest yet most impactful ways to love the joy-bringers in your life is through Acts of Random Kindness (ARK). (Featured in The Vibrant Life Goal Planner) Surprise them with a thoughtful gesture—like baking their favorite treats, gifting a book they’ve been wanting to read, or secretly mowing their lawn. These unexpected acts of love can mean the most.

This concept is beautifully illustrated in the movie Evan Almighty, where Evan, played by Steve Carell, learns about the power of kindness while building an ark like Noah in the bible. One of his small acts, like helping a stranger fix a car, sparks a chain reaction of kindness in his community. This shows us that even minor gestures can inspire others to pay it forward.

Imagine surprising a friend with a handmade gift or offering to run an errand for someone who’s overwhelmed. These little acts of kindness are not trivial, they can transform someone’s day and create a ripple effect of positivity. So, get creative! Think of unique ways to show love through ARK moments, and you will change the world!

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the idea of love being an action hits home. One scripture that always makes me pause is James 2:17: “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” I know this verse is about faith, but the same principle applies to love. If we say we love someone but don’t show it, that love isn’t really alive. Ultimately that relationship isn’t alive, right?

A talk entitled “That I Might Draw All Men unto Me” from Elder Dale G. Renlund in the October 2021 General Conference gives more insight. He said, “The greater the distance between the giver and receiver, the more the receiver develops a sense of entitlement.” Oof, that hit me. When we don’t intentionally close that gap and show love to those around us, it’s easy for them to feel taken for granted. And it’s easy for us to feel entitled. I hate that word and how much some people believe they are entitled these days. But when we actively nurture our relationships, we create a cycle of gratitude, love, and joy. We don’t take others for granted. We cherish them. And we realize the value of effort in our lives.

The Savior of course is the ultimate joy-bringer. Just recently in General Conference I loved Elder Kearon’s talk that said we have a gospel that’s the gospel of joy. The Savior loves us perfectly and always shows up for us, even when we’re not aware of it. So, in loving others—including those who bring joy into our lives—we’re following His example. We’re reflecting His light and encouraging others to shine with us.

At the end of the day, loving those who bring joy into our lives isn’t just about picking and choosing who gets our time. It’s about embodying love as a guiding principle. When we make love the core of our lives, we naturally draw in people who align with that energy. We attract relationships that are positive, fulfilling, and nourishing.

As Maya Angelou famously said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” That is the truth and I really can’t say it much better, my friends.

I’ve found that when I let love guide my actions, the right people show up in my life—people who not only bring me joy but also help me become a better version of myself. And when that happens, you can’t help but feel so, so grateful.

When we make a conscious effort to love the people who brighten our days, we’re sprinkling a little more magic into the world! Mel Robbins, the mastermind of the 5-Second Rule, puts it perfectly: “You are one decision away from a totally different life.” Sometimes, that decision can be as straightforward as saying, “You mean a lot to me!” It really is that easy!

So here’s your mission should you choose to accept it: think about the joy-bringers in your life. How can you love them more intentionally? Maybe throw them a surprise mini-celebration or send them a meme that perfectly captures your friendship. Let’s make sure others know how appreciated they are. They’re the meaty, cheesy layers of our Lasagna of Love Ability that make life vibrant!

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of The Vibrant Life Podcast! Ya’ll add so much color to my life, and I’m truly grateful for this community. Hit that subscribe button so you don’t miss next week’s episode, where we’ll dive into the next layer of our lasagna: Loving Those Who Challenge Us. Spoiler alert: it’s going to be saucy!

Until then, stay awesome, live the vibrant life, and remember: life is too short not to celebrate the people who make it brighter—even if it means sharing your snacks.

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Thanks for tuning in to The Vibrant Life Podcast! As a one-woman show, I do it all—creating, researching, editing, and designing—because I truly love you, my friends. If you’d like to support the show, every little bit helps! You can donate via PayPal using @vibrantlifepodcast or Venmo @TheVibrantLifePodcast. There’s links in the show notes at emilyromrell.com. No pressure, just gratitude!

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Search for me, Emily Romrell, on Amazon. I love you all—let’s keep living The Vibrant Life together!

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